Eagle River Fishing Report Janurary 2021

The mighty eagle is looking mighty frozen in most spots , however if you consider yourself an agile fisherman, there are still quite a few beats to fish. The name of the game is finding the deepest pockets on the river, and getting those flies down deep. Bug pattern is dealers choice, but keep them small. The main thing that we want to stress right now is “wading conditions” , for the past few months the ice has been cold and strong enough to stand on, but now with a streak of warm days it has become pretty fragile and easy to break; so watch your step. Your typical fishing stretches on the upper eagle will be about 30 yards long , so if your fishing with a buddy expect to take turns. The lower sections have plenty of room and opened quite a bit down towards the airport, however the fishing pressure is at an all time winter high due to mild snow conditions. We are typically trying to be on the water by 10:30 and we advise you do the same, this gives the fish a little more time to warm up with a little bit of sunshine; catch 22 is trying to find an empty spot to hop in. The Vail Rod and Gun Club has plenty of water open so if you are looking to avoid the crowds and not drive around looking for empty water. we do have private water options available , Call today for booking.


River’s Choice Bugs:

Pale pink squirmy worm. 

Rainbow warrior pearl/ red #20

Rs2 (black and grey) #22

Jig head Hairs Ear #16

Miracle midge tan #22