Guide Will Watson enjoying a day off on the Colorado River.

Fly Fishing Report Colorado River May 2019

The Colorado River has been fishing well but can change daily. Be sure to check the graph in Kremmling before you make the drive to Pump House. A big jump in flows, which can happen overnight, can often turn off the fishing drastically. The Colorado River is also very off color below Radium making Pump House a popular section to float.



The Streamer bite has picked up which has made for some fun days on the Colorado. Larger Black, Olive and White streamer patterns are moving fish off the banks regularly. This is an excellent way to find those big Brown Trout who call the Colorado River home. Good streamer patterns to have in the fly box are; sex dungeon, cha-ching, circus peanut, sculpzilla and slump busters. If you plan on throwing big bugs all day, save your shoulders and bring a heavier rod such as a 6 or 7 weight.


There have been a lot of insects moving around with BWO’s coming off in decent numbers. A light nymph rig or dry dropper set-up have been taking fish feeding under the surface. Slim Shady, Barr’s BWO Emerger, Soft hackle PT’s, Black Copper Johns, Squirmy Worm and Pats are all good flies to be fishing below the surface.



We have not seen any big bugs moving around yet but are hoping for a good Salmonfly Hatch as we move towards June. If you have never fished or witnessed this hatch, it is worth making the drive to see. We will keep you updated on this hatch as it begins.