Eagle River Rainbow Trout in Red Canyon

Don't fish in the afternoon

It has been an incredibly busy summer on the Eagle River. The fly fishing has been excellent but we are seeing very high water temps after 12 noon on the Eagle River. All of our guided fly fishing trips on the Eagle River have been over by lunch time and we recommend that you do the same. That being said if you can get on the river by 7:30 am the fishing has been great. We are still throwing dry flies and occasionally adding a dropper when we have to. Trout have been holding in the fast riffles and shallow slicks. Our top flies have been; Royal Wulff, Renegade, Roy Palm, Peacock Caddis (#20), Chubby Chernobyl (#12, Brown, Black, Purple Haze, Adams and Mayhem Midge. There are a lot of midges in the morning followed by a few Tricos, Caddis and Sallies. Fly Hatches on the Eagle River seem to vary everyday, however the above patterns have been consistent every morning. Occasionally we will drop an Olive Hares Ear Jig behind a hopper, especially in some of the deep buckets, which is getting a lot of attention under the surface.


Expect the fishing on the Eagle River to remain consistent in the morning hours. Until we get some cooler weather as well as some rain please check the water temps and stop fishing after 12noon. Please reach out for a guided trip or last minute fly fishing reports on the Eagle River