Colorado Fly Fishing Schools

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Colorado Fly Fishing Schools

This year we are offering some incredible fly fishing schools right here in Wolcott, Colorado. These schools and classes are an excellent way to brush up on your fly fishing skills so you can get on the water with confidence. All of our fly fishing schools and classes are small in size so our instructors can closely work with each participant. Part of each school will take place on the Eagle River on our Private Water were you will experience incredible fly fishing.

One of our most popular fly fishing schools is our “Prep School.” This is a fun course geared to the fly angler that spends a fair amount of time of the water and does a few guided trips each year. In this fly fishing class you can expect ample fishing time from a boat as well as from shore learning tips and tricks from our instructors. Not only will you get to fish some incredible private water, you will also leave this class with the knowledge of a seasoned fly fishing guide. Our Prep School covers the following;

Streamer fishing (from a boat/ from shore) , Fly Selection, Mending, Spey Casting, Knots. Fish handling/Photography, Gear selection, Fishing from a boat, fly presentation/placement, double haul, casting, fly set-up, nymphing, reading water and more.

We will be offering this fly fishing school in the spring of 2018 as well as the fall of 2018. If you are an angler that wishes to get a little more out of the sport of fly fishing, this is an excellent school for you. This school prepares you for any guided fly fishing trip you plan on taking in 2018.

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Have you ever heard the saying “if you don’t row you don’t go”? If you have, then you know that being a good oarsmen is an open invitation to a lot more fly fishing trips. Our row schools are a great way to learn how to safely navigate a river and put your friends on more fish. This year we are offering two different row schools for anglers of all abilities. Our weekend warrior row school is for people who may own a boat or are partners in a boat who want to learn a little more about rowing down a river. This row school teaches technique, reading water, river hazards, etiquette and more. In this school you will spend 3 days rowing different rivers as well as fishing these rivers from a boat. You will come out of this school with more confidence and understanding of our local Colorado Rivers.


For guides who wish to become Colorado State Oar Certified, we are offering a week long row school in May of 2018. This course will give you the necessary miles and hours on the river with a certified instructor so you can begin your path as a float guide. This class is rigorous and will require long days on the water as well as classroom discussion. Regardless of the row school you choose you will not hesitate next time you are asked to grab the oars.


Our fly fishing schools will fill up quickly so if you are considering any fly fishing school this year, be sure to get on the list. We do offer accommodations so if you are joining us from out of town let us know and we’ll take care of you. We are looking forward to seeing you in the spring.