Spring Fly Fishing Specials

This time of year is some of the best fly fishing we see. Midges, Stones and BWO’s dominate the hatch scene allowing us to loose the indicators and fish like gentlemen. The streamer bite also picks up and it is not uncommon to turn 50+ fish on a half day float down the Eagle River. We are running some early season specials so you can take advantage of these prime fishing conditions. We are a few more sunny days away from being able to float the Eagle River and when this begins you want to be sure and get on it. Our company has the only boat ramp that is open so you will more than likely be the only boat on the river. Floating this time of year allows you to fish over 4.5 river miles of private water. Why is this important? because these fish have not seen any pressure like most public areas. Until the Eagle bumps a few more CFS we will be wading the Eagle and floating on the Colorado and Roaring Fork. The Colorado River has been fishing fair to decent depending on the day and the Roaring Fork has been fishing great from a boat as well as the bank. Warmer weather will have the Lower Fork off color from the Crystal dumping in some muddy water. So if you want to fish down valley keep that in mind. Our Spring Fly Fishing Specials are geared to The Eagle River, because we believe it that you should see what this magnificent river has to offer. Grab a buddy and lets do this.