Midge Hatch Eagle River Colorado

The Midge Hatch on the Eagle River has been outstanding all month. The midge hatch has been very significant which is bringing many trout to the surface throughout the day. Presenting small adult Midge imitations is a challenging but rewarding way to hook incredible fish in skinny water. The best time of day to be presenting dry flies has been from 11:30 am until 2:00 pm. Trout in the Eagle River have moved out of their winter lies and are scattered throughout the river. It is not uncommon to see larger fish in shallow water aggressively feeding on the surface. The most productive fly patterns have been; Mayhem Midge, Griffith Gnat, Roy Palms Special Midge Emerger, Adult Midge, Renegade, Adams. The wind has been picking up later in the afternoon which is putting some fish down. If this occurs we have been throwing dry dropper with great success. Below is a video that was shot last week of an Eagle River Brown Trout feeding during the afternoon Midge Hatch.


For more information please reach out at anytime. 970-368-5959.