Eagle River Fly Fishing Report May 19, 2017
Until recently our annual runoff brought the Eagle River up over 1300 cfs and quite off color. With the cooler weather levels have dropped/ cleared and this morning the gauge read 800 cfs in Avon. This is an excellent flow for floating. We have seined the river in front of the cabin and are seeing quiet a variety of bugs in the free flow. Mostly BWO’s, Midges as well as a few Caddis and Stones. The water temp is right around 40 degrees which has dropped significantly so don’t be surprised if you find the fishing to be a little slower than it has been. If you pan on fishing the Eagle River over the next couple days plan for a later start. There is no need to be on the water early. We are hoping for a good BWO hatch during overcast days, if you find rising fish Adams, Adult Midges and BWO Cripples should do the trick. A double dry fly rig with a Caddis imitation up front trailed by a smaller BWO is a good way to go. Slower slicks and bends are where you will find the majority of rising trout. If you are nymphing do not be afraid to go big. Pats Rubber Leg, Pink Squirmy Worm and Caddis Larvae are excellent lead flies. Trail smaller BWO patterns like, Barrs, JUJU Baetis and Sparkle Wing RS2’s behind your lead flies. Our last float streamers were hot in the afternoon. Black Sex Dungeons, Olive Slump Busters and Tequeely’s got a lot of attention in the shallow riffles and pocket water. Once this weather system moves out expect water to be back on the rise. We may have an early peak this year so if you want to float the Eagle before it gets too skinny be sure to book your trip sooner than later. As soon as water levels stabilize we are going to have an incredible Caddis Hatch on the Eagle River. Give us a call to reserve a beat on our new private water lease.