An absolute stunning Rainbow Trout from the Eagle River.

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The dry fly fishing on the Eagle River has been excellent this whole month. The bugs keep getting a little smaller but the fish keep rising. “There is no need to stare at a bobber when you can watch fish eat your dry.” The magic hour for dry fly activity has been around 1pm until 4pm. Midges are dominating the scene with the occasional Blue Wing popping off. The hot bugs have been a mixed bag of small midge patterns in gray, black and rust colors. We have been using a larger Adams as our lead fly then trailing smaller midge patterns behind. Occasionally the fish are taking the Adams but for the most part it is acting as our visual target. Griffith’s Gnats and Renegades are also good & easy to see patterns to be drifting down the river. If you must get on the river before noon try moving streamers. Olive and Natural Colored Slump Busters have been all you need. The streamer bite has been hot and cold but when its on the fish have been hitting it as soon as it lands. We are finding some healthy rainbows in shallow water. It has been awesome. As the cooler weather starts to move in expect your dry fly window to get smaller and smaller. Until then take advantage of the great fishing on the Eagle River right now.


Every once and a while we are bumping into some of those giant Rainbow Trout that were stocked before the World Fly Fishing Championship. These fish are certainly out of place in the Eagle River but are a wild battle on light tippet in skinny water. We found one last weekend and it put on quite a display for our guest Cody Burgdorff.



We are still doing guided trips and offering 2 for 1 rod fees on our Vail Rod & Gun Club Lease. If you have never fished this section of the Eagle River now is an excellent time to see it shine. Give us a call to book your trip and for last minute fishing reports. 970.368.5959.


Flies to have in your box – foam back RS2 (black, grey), Chocolate Thunder, Zebra Midge, Mayhem Midge, Adams, Griffiths Gnat, Renegade, Roy Palm Emerger, Flash Bang Midge, Slump Buster (Olive, Natural)